Beautiful Batik Star Quilt
I have just finished a rather impressive quilt that in reality was fairly simple however the colours and the size make it appear superb. Here is how it was made.
The centre star is called a Lone Star and is made by sewing strips of fabric (in this case 3" strips) together in a certain order, which are then cut at a 45 degree angle, and then re sewn... I know it sounds complicated but the trickiest thing is getting the points of each diamond lined up with the other diamonds. There are lots of sites which give the pattern for this fairly traditional block.
I then did strips of 2" half inch triangles which bordered the main star.
Then I made some 'Ribbon Star' blocks in various colours. I then bordered each one with a different coloured strip. The ribbon stars were made from 2 1/2 inch strips.
I then made some more half in square triangles, and joined them in a line. These were 5" Half Square triangles.
Another couple of simple borders, a quilt sandwich and then quilting it all in a fairly simple stipple quilt pattern. I bound it with yet another wonderful batik.
The real star of this quilt is the fabric. Batiks make a simple pattern shine.